Norberto González Gaitano

Teen Usage of New and Old Media: Formation & Family

Questa ricerca vuol essere uno spunto di riflessione sul tema del rapporto tra tecnologia e adolescenza in particolare per gli insegnati, gli educatori, i genitori, gli operatori sociali, tutte le associazioni e le istituzioni che si occupano di ricerca e formazione...

Educating Young People through the Classics

What films and TV series do young people enjoy most? What books do they read most? Do they prefer novels based on the ever-changing preferences of mainstream critics, or do they prefer classic masterpieces that have survived the test of time? How are young people’s...

Love, Friendship and Storytelling

Love, Friendship and Storytelling

This book explores the results of a focus group study about how young people grasp the messages about friendship and love communicated through the stories they read, how these concepts influence their own values, and how they assess a piece of literature.On September...